At Rain City Fit, we are more than just a gym. We are a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming space for our community to come together to pursue their fitness goals.

Our primary mission is to create a community that celebrates diversity and empowers individuals to be the best versions of themselves. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or fitness level, deserves the opportunity to thrive in a supportive environment. We strive to foster a sense of belonging where individuals can feel accepted, respected, and inspired to reach their goals & move their bodies in a safe and body neutral environment.

RCF Barbell Community was born from our main gym location, Rain City Fit. Located in the vibrant city of Seattle, we take pride in providing our community with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. We understand the importance of having access to the best tools to achieve your strength and fitness goals, which is why we’ve created THREE specialty gyms (in addition to our main Rain City Fit location) that make up our Barbell Club Community. Our gyms are equipped with a variety of equipment to ensure that you have everything you need to make progress, no matter what your goals are.

Each location has equipment for everybody, but their specialties range dependent on the equipment available. In short, those specialities are:

RCF Barbell Club: Powerlifting

RCF Powerbottom: Strength Athletics

RCF Barbell SODO: Olympic Weightlifting

*refer to our Facilities page for more information on each gym location.

With these locations, we have made an unwavering commitment to building a tight-knit community. We organize regular social events, group workouts, and RCPU meets/events that encourage interaction, support, and connection amongst our members.

At Rain City Fit, we believe that fitness should be accessible to all. We have a team of experienced and certified trainers dedicated to helping you succeed. They are not only knowledgeable and passionate about fitness but also understanding and empathetic. We offer flexible membership options and strive to create an affordable and inclusive space. We want to break down barriers and create opportunities for everyone to prioritize their health and well-being.

Join us at RCF Barbell and be a part of a community that embraces and celebrates diversity. Together, we will work towards achieving our fitness goals while fostering a sense of belonging and support. Come as you are to find a stronger, healthier, and happier YOU.

-Leanna & Ben

RCF Barbell Community Founding Duo

We’re not just gym owners… we’re *cool* gym owners. JK that’s not true. But we do really do love this community & will strive every day to make this a safe and equitable space for all.

  • Owner, Sport Psychology & Strength Coach

    Director of RCPU and Pride Deadlift Party

    Leanna has a passion for strength, mental health, equity & community care. Will come back to this soon. Trying to get this site up ASAP and I’m bad at writing about myself :’)

  • Founder of Rain City Fit, Owner

    Toilet Daddy

    Ben is the founder of Rain City Fit, a fitness community that has blossomed from humble beginnings into a vibrant, inclusive, and extraordinary movement. With a passion for fitness and a desire to create a space where everyone feels welcome. Ben started Rain City Fit from the ground up, with nothing more than a boot camp in a basement and a determination to make a difference.

    When he isn’t tending to his community or fixing broken toilets, Ben is a compassionate and responsible parent to 5 fur children: Cebu, Chico, Bimini, Benito, & Chicken

Our Trainers









